All Scene in Metal gear solid

All Scene in Metal gear solid


All Scene in Metal Gear Solid

All Scene in Metal gear solid

Amidst the endless khaki-coloured hide-and-seek and overabundance of exposition that critics say make the Metal Gear Solid series seem like the work of a frustrated film director, Kojima has moments of sheer genius. This tense fight between Rex and Liquid is one of them.

This conversation may not seem significant at first glance, but it's riddled with revelations. This is where we learn that Ocelot is a double agent and that Liquid Snake isn't a Big Boss clone after all!

Psycho Mantis

Despite his short appearance, Psycho Mantis remains one of Metal Gear Solid’s best-remembered enemies. He was a powerful user of psychokinesis and telepathy, capable of reading the player’s console memory card and even altering the controller’s port 1 (which controls Snake) with his mind.

His first fight with Ocelot, in which he had Baker tied up in a C4-laden column with wires all over him, was unsettling and a perfect example of Kojima’s macabre stage play style. His later confrontation, a fistfight with Liquid Snake, was more like psychological horror than the usual spy thriller action and it is one of the series’ most memorable fights.

The End

Easily one of the most mind-blowing twists in Metal Gear history, this scene is the climax to an otherwise stellar side mission. If you're at a certain point in the game (after infiltrating Da Ghwandi Khar and uploading your Ground Zeroes save data to The Phantom Pain), this scene will unlock after Snake defeats Liquid in a tense hallway filled with microwaves.

In this cutscene, The End reveals that his body was infected with parasites and given superhuman capabilities like photosynthesis, giving him an extended life-span and a sense of vision that lets him operate on a sniper level without the need for a spotter. He also hints at his past as a member of the Les Enfants Terribles cloning project, which explains why he was able to track The Boss in the hospital and at Mother Base, and subsequently beat him.

Sons of the Patriots

Despite Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima’s banishment from Konami, the series has never been more popular. Fans are still clamouring for another entry to the franchise, although a new game is unlikely to happen with Konami’s current ownership of the brand.

While the series’ climaxes can be a bit anticlimactic at times, there are plenty of epic fights to keep you invested. One of the most memorable is the final battle in Guns of the Patriots between Snake and Liquid Ocelot.

It’s a showdown for the ages, with the winner becoming the new leader of the Patriots. The winner will also inherit the war economy – something far from Big Boss’ will. In a similar vein, the trial demo will show a scene similar to this after you defeat Olga and enter the boiler room (depending on how far you get). It shows Otacon admitting his help in locating Metal Gear Ray.

Liquid Ocelot

It’s one of the most tense and memorable boss fights in Metal Gear Solid. Snake is in bad shape when he enters the hall filled with microwaves, and it seems like it could be his last battle. Then he starts swinging his Single Action Army revolver at Liquid and wins him over.

Despite being a cyborg, Liquid Ocelot is one of the most powerful villains in the series. He’s always a major nuisance in every game, and it is revealed that his inner conflict between his possessed body and himself is what makes him so evil.

He’s even canonically playable in the PSP spinoff Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and the current mainline games. He also gets a brief appearance in MGS3 as a cutscene character, and is recruitable in the canon FOB infiltration missions of Phantom Pain.

Arsenal Gear

The climax of Arsenal Gear reveals how the entire game is a series of revelations and reversals meant to alienate and confuse the player. Raiden’s actions are seen as rogue; Ocelot and the president conspire; and even a previously insignificant character is revealed to have had significant meaning.

The Plant chapter also inverts a lot of the structure of the Tanker fight and other Metal Gear boss battles to emphasize the difference between Raiden and Solidus. The battle with Fortune in particular is a nightmare, inverting the form of the Olga boss fight to make it impossible for players to damage her.

Granin describes his device as a “gear of metal,” suggesting that it will be the evolutionary missing link between foot soldiers and weaponry. It is also a metaphor for the way a video game world can bend with a single button press.

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